Thursday, January 13, 2011

Do more yoga...

First time in months doing yoga and seeing my friend Jenna yesterday.  I had heard of emotions pouring out of you during some poses of yoga, however had never experienced it this way; I cried. 

**I interrupt this blog to say that I don't care what Professor Parke Junkle has mumbled. I much rather believe the Babylonian whom developed their reasoning and rationality beyond empirical observation. I was born a Virgo and will die one!**

I believe yoga will give me enough strength and confidence to follow my own path.  With so many interruptions and distractions, it is hard for a girl to keep focus.  I am finally out of my funk!  Chin chin to evolving into a better me and learning from my experiences.  Raising above and actually doing what I say and not just saying what I do; taking the bad and transforming it into something amazing.  I have seen plenty evil to where weakness can no longer surround me.  I can see clearly now and I am moving with arms wide open, regardless of the pinches.  Such only serve to keep me awake and to show me the way.  Wake up!  Open your eyes!  Life is running by and it's easy to miss it.  I am turning my head and stopping whenever it feels right, slowing down in order to see.  No longer trying to keep up but making it at my own pace.

1 comment:

  1. I'm trying to follow your lead, my dear. Need focus and strength. Thanks for the inspiration. You are a QUEEN!
